EasyPay Terms and Conditions

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Terms & Conditions

MTA EasyPay MetroCard Conditions of Use and Other Important Information

This program is managed by MTA New York City Transit

These terms and conditions, together with your EasyPay MetroCardTM Application, constitute your EasyPay MetroCard Agreement. EasyPay MetroCard is an electronic fare collection system that allows you to pre-pay charges incurred at EasyPay MetroCard facilities. Your EasyPay MetroCard Account will be operable on all EasyPay MetroCard facilities with the exception of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) PATH. Only EasyPayXpress PayPerRide MetroCard can be used on AirTrain facilities. New York EasyPay MetroCard is operated under the auspices of the MTA/New York City Transit Authority. The EasyPay MetroCard and its use are subject to all tariff provisions, rules and regulations of the New York City Transit Authority and its affiliates. Please read these terms and conditions and keep them for your records. When you open your Account and use your EasyPay MetroCard, you agree to the following:

1) General
a) Your failure to comply with this Agreement may result in suspension, revocation, or termination of your Account.
b) You may not assign the obligations or benefits of this Agreement.
c) The terms "You" and "Your" refer to the end-user and subscriber of this Agreement.
d) The terms "We", "Us" and "Our" refer to the New York City Transit Authority, its Affiliate agencies and any provider of EasyPay MetroCard services.

2) MetroCard Use
a) When you use the EasyPay MetroCard at any EasyPay MetroCard facility, you authorize EasyPay MetroCard to debit your Account for charges incurred.
b) If you use the EasyPay MetroCard on facilities other than New York EasyPay MetroCard facilities, you are subject to the laws and regulations governing such use.
c) An EasyPay Reduced-Fare MetroCard may be used only by the person to whom it has been validly issued. Use of the EasyPay Reduced-Fare MetroCard by any other person may result in forfeiture of the card and its remaining balances, plus civil and/or criminal penalties.

3) Your Account
a) You must maintain a prepaid amount in your Account to cover applicable charges to your Account. Your minimum amount is set based upon your program plan
b) Applicable charges, if any, will be deducted from your Account each time the EasyPay MetroCard is used. EasyPay MetroCard will also deduct from your Account applicable administrative fees incurred pursuant to this Agreement.
c) No interest will be paid on balances in your Account.
d) EasyPayXpress statement information is available online at www.easypaymetrocard.com.You may also receive statements via email.
e) You may be charged a fee for any request to retrieve a statement previously provided.
f) If you use the EasyPay MetroCard when your Account is in a negative status, suspended or revoked, or after the EasyPay MetroCard has been reported lost stolen or damaged, you may: incur administrative fees; be charged the full, undiscounted charge; and/or be asked to surrender the EasyPay MetroCard to EasyPay MetroCard via certified mail or to plaza personnel.
g) Administrative fees may be billed directly to your Account.
h) EasyPay MetroCard, in its discretion, may receive updated information about your credit card, including new account numbers and expiration dates, from the financial institution issuing the card.

4) Account Pre-Payment
a) Your Account will be replenished by your prepaid amount as specified in your Account plan. You must choose to replenish your Account by authorizing EasyPay MetroCard to automatically charge your credit/debit card for all charges to your Account.
b) If your credit/debit card declines payment your MetroCard may not work and a notice will be sent to you. Your account may be closed if your balance falls below zero.
c) You can arrange for a one-time payment by calling 1-877-323-RIDE (7433) or online at www.easypaymetrocard.com.
d) Depending on usage or other charges to your Account, there may be more than one replenishment transaction in one statement period.
e) Depending upon your plan type, your secondary credit card may be charged if your primary credit card declines a payment.
f) Your replenishment may be increased to adequately fund your account or to accommodate a fare change. You will receive notification of the change.

5) Disputes
You hereby authorize EasyPay MetroCard to decide in the first instance every question or dispute arising from, under, in connection with or related to this Agreement, including, without limitation, the imposition of fares, fees, or other charges incurred,applied or stated for the use or misuse of your EasyPay MetroCard or Account. All disputes must be reported to the EasyPay MetroCard Account Service Center within 120 days of posting the disputed fare to your Account. You agree that the online statement, the emailaddress you state on your Application or to an address that you subsequently provide to the EasyPay MetroCard Account Service Center constitutes notice to you of the fares,fees and charges contained therein and of any determination by EasyPay MetroCard of your submitted dispute. The imposition of claims arising from,under, in connection with or in any way related to this Agreement including, without limitation, fares charges incurred, applied or stated for the use or misuse of your EasyPay MetroCard or Account, are governed by the New York City Transit Authority's and its Affiliates Tariff.

6) Lost or Stolen EasyPay MetroCards
You are responsible for notifying us in a timely manner if your EasyPay MetroCard is lost, stolen or never received. You may be responsible for any fares that may occur prior to your notifying us.
You will not be liable for unauthorized EasyPay MetroCard use that occurs AFTER you notify EasyPay MetroCard, electronically, verbally or in writing, of loss, theft or possible unauthorized use. Your EasyPay MetroCard will be replaced at no charge. Failure to report your EasyPay MetroCard lost or stolen may result in unauthorized EasyPay MetroCard use which you will be responsible for.

7) Damaged or Non-Operational EasyPay MetroCards
You are responsible for notifying us in a timely manner if your EasyPay MetroCard is damaged or non-operational. You are responsible for destroying your damaged or non-operational EasyPay MetroCard after your notifying us. Failure to destroy your EasyPay MetroCard may result in unauthorized EasyPay MetroCard use which you will be responsible for.

8) Expiration
Like any other MetroCard, your EasyPay MetroCard has an expiration date. You will find the date on the back thereof. A few weeks prior to the expiration date of your old EasyPay MetroCard you will receive a replacement from us. Please destroy your expiring card immediately, as your EasyPay MetroCard is valuable and you will be liable for any unauthorized charges that may occur. If you have not received a replacement card at least one (1) week prior to the expiration date of your old EasyPay MetroCard, please contact us. You are responsible for notifying us in a timely manner if your EasyPay MetroCard replacement is not received. You may be responsible for any fares that may occur prior to your notifying us.

9) Disclaimer
You acknowledge that EasyPay MetroCard and all entities providing EasyPay MetroCard services have not made, and expressly disclaim any representation or warranty, express or implied relating to the EasyPay MetroCard including, without limitation,any implied or express warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or conformity to models or samples. You agree that EasyPay MetroCard and all entities providing EasyPay MetroCard services will have no obligation or liability whatsoever to you with respect to your use of or the performance of the EasyPay MetroCard. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless EasyPay MetroCard and all entities providing EasyPay MetroCard services from and against all damage, loss, cost, expense or liability relating to,arising from, or as a result of, the use or performance of the EasyPay MetroCard.

10) Termination
You may terminate this Agreement at any time by requesting such termination in writing, via email at www.easypaymetrocard.com or requesting termination via the EasyPay MetroCard Account Service Center. EasyPay MetroCards remain the property of the entities providing EasyPay MetroCard services. Upon termination, once all outstanding charges have been deducted from your Account, any remaining balance will be refunded to you exclusive of initiated EasyPayXpress 30-day Unlimited plan. Such refund will be made in the form of a credit to the credit card(s) you have chosen to replenish your Account balance, or a refund check if applicable.

11) Collection of Expenses
You agree to pay all costs, including attorneys' fees, incurred by EasyPay MetroCard and all entities providing EasyPay MetroCard services to collect any monies due under the terms of this Agreement.

12) Modifications
EasyPay MetroCard may change the terms of this Agreement at any time. Such modified terms shall take effect on the date specified therein.The invalidity of any term or terms of this Agreement shall not affect any other term of this Agreement,which shall remain in full force and effect.

13) Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

14) Changes
You agree to inform EasyPay MetroCard of any changes to the information provided by you in your Application, such as:
  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Credit Card Status (i.e. closed account, maximum credit used)
  • Credit Card Expiration Date
  • E-mail Address

15) Non-Disclosure
EasyPay MetroCard respects the privacy of all Account holders. Account information will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent except as permissible by law and the policies of EasyPay MetroCard and the entities providing EasyPay MetroCard services.

16) Services
An EasyPay MetroCard facility delineates regular fare services provided by New York City Transit Authority (NYCTA),the MTA Bus Company (MTABC) and New York City Transit Authority Affiliates.

17) Inquiries and Correspondence

To Report a Lost, Stolen or Damaged Card
Online at: www.easypaymetrocard.com
Automated Telephone Service 24/7 : 1-877-323-RIDE (7433)

Payments and Correspondence
EasyPay MetroCard Account Service Center
POBox 52021
Newark, NJ 07101-8221

To Apply / Internet Inquiries

Inquiries by Telephone
1-877-323-RIDE (7433)